Breakfast recaps
While it's been nice not feeling obligated to blog every day (or think about food ALL the time), I must confess that I've missed it a bit. I've still been photographing my meals, don't worry (Although I've stopped photographing negligible items, i.e. a clementine), and because we're having our annual Chinese New Year's party tonight (DEFINITELY worth blogging), I decided to catch up a little bit so that I'm not totally in over my head when I blog the party, which is an International Dumpling Party (more on that later).
Oatmeal has been divine-- maybe it's the freezing cold weather? Carrot cake oats (topping=yogurt, maple syrup, cinnamon)
Almonds, almond butter, coconut
Pumpkin pie oats-- see the smoke rising from the lake?
Carrot cake again-- this time with walnuts and coconut
Leftover cardamom pistachio cake with fruit, Greek yogurt, and a mocha :) decadence at its best
Pumpkin with pomegranate molasses, pomegranate, walnuts and Greek yogurt
Peanut butter puffins, caramelized apple chutney, cinnamon raisin peanut butter
Pomegranate combo with almond butter
Butternut Squash and graham cracker
Butternut squash and trail mix
I love macro photos... seems like lately I've been more into the photography than writing part of blogging.
Anyways, I haven't been able to do that much exercise: today I went for my first outdoor run since New York... hopefully I'm not that out of shape and it was just the weather-- 2 DEGREES, PEOPLE! I went on a shortish run, but did sprint intervals on the way back. My lungs felt like they were crystallizing from the inside!
so much to catch up on; esp dumpling party (next year, spread the net wider) but also all the other goodies. wish I liked oatmeal and its fixings; remember how keen you were in London to find PORRIDGE and we finally did on almost the last day.
as always, so much fun to read these, even if I'm still a devoted carnivore. from you know who.
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