Octopuscarwash's Gourmet Adventures

I live to eat. Yes, I am an Asian Jew. My favorite meal is breakfast (oatmeal in particular). I'm only in high school, so I am a complete amateur. Some of my favorite cuisines are Middle Eastern, Moroccan, Japanese and Korean. I eat so much Chinese food that it's hard to say whether I like it or not... all I know is that I don't like what most of America seems to think of as Chinese food, Panda Express. I'm a pescetarian and love coming up with my own healthy fusion food.

Friday, January 9, 2009

First Week Back

  Maybe this "artsy phase" is going to change the blog-- I'm not sure. I mean, I haven't worked out since Sunday! That may seem like that long, but it seems that way for me. Lately I've been much more into art, I tried out for theater, and I have tons of work to do. Therefore... it seems like my interesting in food is diminishing a bit. I still LOVE IT, but at the moment it doesn't seem to consume all my thoughts... which is good! That was my new year's resolution, after all! anyways, without further ado, some of this week's grub.

Wednesday: January 008

January 006January 005 (This was leftover lentil soup, carrots, an apple, a wrap with hummus, Laughing cow, yellow pepper and pickles, and a Mojo bar for later)

January 015 January 026January 030 (Ha, we had NO food in the house... all the vegetables in the fridge crammed into a stir-fry!) January 032 (Frozen yogurt, strawberries, GoLean Crunch)


January 038 January 040January 043 January 037January 035 January 045 January 051 January 055


January 058 January 057 January 060   Black and Adzuki Bean chili with assorted toppings

January 072January 069January 071 January 074

Small smoothie with 1/2 banana, frozen strawberries, and a drizzle of vanilla hemp milk (how long does this last? it said 10 days, but it's been WAY longer than that and it seems fine)

January 075January 076


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yum, everything looks terrific!

January 11, 2009 at 9:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

chili with azuki !! i never even thought about that .. usually it's just sweet with "shiratama dango" in it , very inventive lida !

January 20, 2009 at 1:02 AM  

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