Week 1's meal summary
This is about to be a really boring post.
To summarize junior year, it's awesome! All my classes are great, and not taking history makes a huge difference with my workload.
AP Bio: the teacher explains everything as though you were having an everyday conversation, and we go into molecular structures in ridiculous detail. It meets 7 times a week, so I'm still getting used to that.
Math (TSTDM= Trigonometry, Statistics, Something else that starts with a T, Discrete Mathematics... it's a mouthful). The teacher, Mr. Khan is Indian-British, who stops every few minutes to ask if we understand or to say something like "Pi is WILD. It ain't rational... it will haunt you in your sleep."
AP French-- honestly, I'm probably the most disappointed with this, because the class size is too BIG... 21 people is way too huge for a language class, and there are annoying senior guys who can't even use the present tense, but find it necessary to say stupid things as often as possible... god, don't I sound like a killjoy, but it's true.
English-- MY FAVORITE! The Moby Dick elective is insane... never before have I been in an English class where everybody participates voluntarily, and everyone has something different to say.
Adv. Drawing/ Painting-- the most relaxing class to have last period. We're doing gesture painting as opposed to drawing. The teacher is also my
Art History teacher-- art history is also a really laid back class, and Mr. Wildeman calls people "dude moneys" and things "dongles."
Breakfast has been oatmeal every day this week, and here are sample photos.
Some possible stir-ins have been fruit compote, trail mix, banana, berries, coconut, peanut butter, etc.

A sample school lunch:

Night 1-- Eggplant, squash and roasted pepper gratin with goat cheese and brown rice. And salad.

Night 2-- Red lentils with coconut milk, served with brown rice, sauteed vegetables, yogurt, and cilantro.

Night 3-- I went straight from swim practice to piano, so we picked up food from Greek town: vegetarian moussaka for me, chicken for my mom, a Greek salad, and a spinach cous cous soup. The moussaka from artopolis is SO GOOD. It was an excruciating workout that day, so this incredibly caloric (probably) dish was great for me. It was a huge wedge of creamy cinnamon-spiked custard layered with eggplant, carrots and SWEET POTATO, served with rice. YUM.

Night 4-- Vietnamese-style claypot shrimp with glass noodles, celery, and onions, spinach and pepper salad with sweet and spicy dipping sauce, basmati rice. And corn.

Night 5 (AKA tonight)-- Swim meet tomorrow, so pasta gorging time: spaghetti with a sauce of eggplant, olives, squash, peppers and cherry tomatoes. Sadly, this was so bland that we had to add feta and sherry vinegar. We also had spinach salad and a caprese of cherry tomatoes and buffalo mozzarella... it was just from Trader Joe's but it was incredible, almost like fresh cottage cheese but less lumpy... I bet it would be great with fruit and a drizzle of honey.

I must confess that I haven't been doing any cooking, and as you can see, my mom has been going all out (my dad's not back yet). Actually, we haven't been eating until really late because she's usually in the kitchen for a long time, realizing she picked a complicated recipe that seemed really easy. I don't remember what she used to cook, but it used to seem so effortless... she really doesn't need to make such elaborate food (not that I don't appreciate it). The thing is that when I'm in training, I'm really more focused on getting food fast than being a gourmet.
PRACTICE HAS BEEN SO HARD. Every day I dread it, but once it's over I feel so strong, no matter how tired my muscles are. He makes us do IM order sets with shoes on, lunges around the pool, laps where we spring, then get out and do up-downs, etc. The other day a few people were 4 minutes late and we all had to do 40 up-downs as punishment. Yesterday we had to kick vertically while holding poles above our heads, and we also had to hold our breath for 10 lengths (breaths between lengths, of course). Today we did kicking sets and for some reason, I lapped people in my lane! I never thought I could kick before, but I'm starting to get the hang of it. Tomorrow is my first meet, and I've been put in all my favorite events. It's also my piano audition (lesson went fine), so it's going to be a tight fit.
Labels: breakfast, corn, dinner, eggplant, lentils, Lunch, moussaka, mozzarella, oatmeal, pasta, shrimp, tomatoes
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